5XL Baja Hoodie Mexican Drug Rug

5XL Baja Hoodie Mexican Drug Rug

Now in stock at Hippies.com is the 5XL baja hoodie. The largest drug rug ever made for big and tall people.


5xl drug rug hoodie 4xl baja hoodie del mex

After many requests for a larger hoodie than our XXXL pullover hoodie, we have decided to skip 4xl drug rug altogether and go straight to the 5XL drug rug hoodie!

Drug Rug 5XL Measurements

  • Body Length: 37"
  • Arm Length: 25"
  • Circumference around chest/stomach: 65"

Baja Hoodie 5XL - Largest baja hoodie made!


5xl baja hoodie 4xl drug rug

Think we need to make a 6XL baja hoodie pullover? Send us an email if we need to create a 6xl drug rugs or bigger.